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Travel Smart: The Benefits of a Pre-Travel Health Consultation

intrigue health - March 20, 2023 - 0 comments

Before you pack your bags for your next holiday abroad, making a visit to your local Travel Clinic would be a very good idea. Healthcare providers that specialise in travel medicine and travel safety are there to provide valuable advice on vaccinations and medication you might need. They can also provide useful travel tips to stay healthy during your trip.

Travel safely and take full advantage of the benefits of visiting a travel vaccine clinic for a pre-travel health consultation.

Benefits of Getting a Pre-travel Health Consultation

Medication for Common Travel-Related Illnesses

Depending on your destination, your travel clinic specialist may recommend certain medications to treat common travel-related illnesses such as traveller’s diarrhoea, and motion sickness. 

Antimalarial Medication

Antimalarials, or malaria pills, prevent the malaria parasite from growing in the body. Unlike a vaccination which is usually just a one-time injection, antimalarials must be taken daily or weekly – before, during, and after your trip abroad – depending on which antimalarial medication you choose. A travel health specialist can help you identify the best malaria medication for your trip.

Be sure to visit your local Intrigue Health travel clinic at least four to six weeks before leaving for your trip.

Travel and Routine Vaccines

When travelling to high-risk countries where there is a high risk of getting Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, Hepatitis, Polio, or other dangerous diseases, getting vaccinated can protect you and prevent getting these illnesses. Depending on your destination, you may need to receive multiple immunisations which is why it’s a good idea to schedule your appointment at a Superdrug travel clinic at least 6 weeks before you travel. This will allow enough time to get vaccines that may require multiple doses.

In-Depth Consultations

Some travellers may have special health needs such as having a weakened immune system, being pregnant, or being a senior citizen. Under these circumstances, an individual may require additional vaccinations to ensure safety. Travellers with these conditions may also need to visit a Covid travel clinic to get the Covid vaccine for further protection. Travel medicine physicians at London travel clinics are always available for in-depth consultations to make sure you get the guidance, tips for staying healthy, medicine, and vaccines to stay healthy while travelling.

Book an appointment with Intrigue Health Travel Clinic to avail of travel safety consultations and travel vaccination services throughout London.

To learn more about our travel clinic and other services that we offer at Intrigue Health clinic. Continue exploring our website to learn more.  

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