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July 2024

Combat Vitamin B12 Deficiency With These 8 Vegetarian Foods

Combat Vitamin B12 Deficiency With These 8 Vegetarian Foods

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a growing concern, especially for vegetarians who may struggle to obtain enough...

intrigue health July 22, 2024
Why Your Ear Still Feels Blocked After Microsuction?

Why Your Ear Still Feels Blocked After Microsuction?

Have you recently had ear microsuction? Does your ear still feel blocked? Well, ear microsuction is...

intrigue health July 15, 2024
6 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

6 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi. It is a type of bacteria that thrives in...

intrigue health July 9, 2024
Raising Awareness: How to Support World Hepatitis Day

Raising Awareness: How to Support World Hepatitis Day

Every 30 seconds, a life is lost somewhere in the world to viral hepatitis. Hepatitis is...

intrigue health July 5, 2024